Monday, May 19, 2008

Capture all fears and pain in the back of the throat, hack them all together, and eject them tastefully from mouth and catch the sum into cupped hands. Analyze the contents - they are not the terror many suspect. Lay them gently to then rest on the soil and work into the land. The sum as anguish will disintegrate into the many forms of nutrients the body held onto for far too long.

Encourage honest experience.
Determined voices have power.

Bitter comforts these taste buds, vitalizing the body with a caffeinated sense of enjoyment. Realizations come swift and always unexpectedly. The time spent on conducting this journey and the momentum of traveling steed was not wasted. The deeds conscripted to arrive and this particular point was not at all in vain. All experience is consumed and analyzed by the mind, and later reviewed for vital decision making. I feel choices will be made sooner than later, and the load of racks and shoulders will be greatly reduced. I am filled with joy at this idea. There are no worries.

I find comfort in the strangest of places. I seek happiness where i cannot yet reach.

so soon... so close...

I will reach a point of firm ground soon, even if i must climb perilous cliffs at the beaches of this treacherous sea. I will find a place to lay the clump in my throat from the swelling in my chest and finally put it peacefully to rest.

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